Robins are back!


3 April 2008

Highway 2, 1.9 km. west-southwest of Maitland, Grenville county, Ontario.

The birds are back in force, but the landscape is still in the grip of winter. the ground is locked beneath snow which is still knee-deep in places.

Nonetheless, there is motion evereywhere we look, and sound to accompany it. Robins, standing tall, patrol their boundaries, Starlings pop in and out of the eaves, performing their sliding whistle, Grackles fill treetops, screeching, Geese travel in phalanxes overhead, honking back and forth, and Kildeer fly up suddenly from the roadsides. road traffic is a mortal danger to birds distracted by spring

This lovely female Robin had collided with a car. We had passed her but Fred ran back. Looking into her still brown eye, I knew I had to further postpone my slug watercolours to paint her portrait on a journal page.



  1. Indeed, the birds are back! Besides the territorial robins we have had a flock of Juncos swirling about the horse yard looking like little grey nuns in a stiff breeze. Today they were frantic in the thick fresh snow and brave in their desperation, following practically on our heels as we cleared ground and threw down hay.


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