Canada Plum Blossoms (watercolour 4 x 6 in.) SOLD!

28 April finds me checking the Canada Plums behind Pipers House in Bishops Mills, the day after our snow storm. The petals that had looked like damp tissue paper, peeking out from under big pillows of heavy wet snow are all dry and intact now, every flower accounted for, and light green leaves edged with burnt sienna are opening at the tips of the twigs. The grass below their overhanging boughs is embroidered lavishly with purple-flowered Gill-over-the-ground, and Dandelions complement the purple with bright yellow pompoms. Spring has certainly bounced back from the surprise snow day. The Violets are in full blossom, having untangled their long flower stems and rearranged their leaves since yesterday. These are a European violet, with large white and purple blossoms, and the patch grows larger every year. The Honesty which was bowed down by snow are all up straight now, most with deep magenta 4-petalled flowers, and some with white. Black flies hover in ...