Ash by the Wetland (oil on canvas 5 x 7 in.) SOLD!

25 November brings us news of the death of my teacher Doris McCarthy at the ripe old age of 100. Her passing was announced on CBC Radio's national news, a fitting tribute to her place and influence in Canadian Art. Miss McCartthy, my painting teacher at Toronto's Central Technical School, taught me how to see colour in the world around me, and how to paint light, shadow, and reflected light. This painting is done with her voice in my head - her advice on colour and composition.... Yesterday we stopped at a bridge on County Road 20 northeast of Bishops Mills Ontario at an Ash tree, lichened and twisted, deformed by the ice storm of 1997. Beyond it is a view of the wetland to the south, where the South Branch of the Rideau River joins Kemptville Creek. Sunset was fast approaching, so I took a photo as the last ruddy beams of the setting sun painted the distant swamp maples and highlighted patches of yellow lichen on the Ash's dark trunk.