Over Sturgeon Chute (11 x 14 in.) Sold

A down-river view above Sturgeon Chute on the Wanapitei River, painted from a photo taken on the day I stood against the rock face to capture the view of the upper rapids. At one point along the portage trail high above the Chute I turned to look back through a space in the trees, and the sun shone brightly from whitewater rushing toward the distant falls. It was one of those days, and one of those places, where every time I turned my head, a new paintable scene presented itself, and the rushing of the water so energized and inspired me that I felt that I could almost transcend the constraints of time, and paint them all in one day - but alas, I had to take the photos home, and if I don't do more paintings of where I was on that day, I'll visit Sturgeon Chute again to paint for more than a day.