Wolf Lake Raven Vision (oil on canvas 6 x 8 in.)

14 August 2013 found me at dusk on the crest of a splendid granite cliff above Wolf Lake, Temagami District. Painters, photographers, poets, artists in wool, wood, and clay, as well as visionaries and guides, were talking quietly, hands wrapped around our mugs of after-supper tea. The youngest participant in the art camp was still at work, inspired by the high view of the Wolf Lake wilderness, drawing the head of a Raven.

Going through my photos from Wolf Lake to choose the next image for a studio painting, stretching the experience of old growth Red Pine forest, pristine lakes and wild waterfalls of Wolf and Silvester Lakes into my winter indoor studio, I lingered again on the image of this young artist. His stillness blends with the scene, his form as lithe and youthful as the young pines that cling to the cliff. His legs hug the curve of the rock and his distant gaze expands the landscape far beyond the borders of my painting. With my eyes and my brush
I can almost step again from the pine needles to the weathered rock, wrinkled distinctively like the fingerprint of this place, where I hope I may once again walk and sit and listen and write and draw and paint.

Dear patrons and supporters,

This painting is for sale for $375  to support our work for conservation. If you would like to purchase it, please contact me   


  1. Tobin and his mum are our neighbours here in North Bay. So impressive to see how much effort is going into protecting the Wolf Lake area. Viki Mather, who has worked so hard for this cause, deserves a lot of credit for her efforts.

  2. Yes, Vicki was awesome! As well as doing much of the organizing of pARTners first art camp, she provisioned the camp kitchen and did most of the cooking. I'm so glad that I had an opportunity to meet her and share one of her favorite places. Vicki's primary involvement is in Friends of Temagami, but she's given the fledgeling pARTners a big boost, and now it's up to the rest of us to put on a great art show in support of the conservation of the old growth Red Pine forests of the Wolf Lake area and make plans for more conservation-oriented art camps.

  3. Wonderful portrait of Tobin! You really caught his spirit of inquiry. As well, your landscapes capture the power of Temagami wilderness. It brings back lot of memories Aleta, of our canoeing together there. Great work!


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