Traveling across Canada this summer and fall, from Alberta to Ontario and then to New Brunswick, I fell into an imaginative way of exploring and sharing the nature of the landscape. Our three-year-old grandson Samuel could not be with us, and thinking of him, I bought a little plastic Pentasaurus from the gift shop in the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. Posing "Pentas" having imaginary adventures everywhere we stopped to gather specimens and observations became my
passion. The magic of
photography captured the model dinosaurs in the real light of natural settings, apparently as capable of movement as anything else.

For me, this was an exciting and challenging way to see Canada - through all the imaginary senses of a miniature dinosaur. Our grandson Sam received the photos in real time, episode by episode, via his mother's phone, the brief adventures enriched with fascinating scraps of natural history information - I travel with a biologist, you'll remember.

Pentas was gifted to Sam on our return to Bishops Mills Ontario, but in only a few days, Fred and I left for New Brunswick - with another tiny stowaway, a toy Velociraptor with articulated jaws.

This calendar, with alternating photos of Pentas and Velos, is a teaser for two books I will be writing this fall. Visit our publications page to order your calendar now.


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