Jake in Palfrey Creek

"Jake in Palfrey Creek" (oil on birch panel 6 x 8 in. collection of New Brunswick Museum)
The last of the series of portraits of biologists at BiotaNB, I finished this one of the young entomologist Jake Lewis, wading with his net, beyond the flaming spikes of Cardinalflower that bloomed so splendidly at that spot on Palfrey Creek in August. We were in the Spednic Protected Natural Area near McAdam, New Brunswick in our first of the two-year survey of this PNA. I delivered the finished painting this year.

For my smaller oils I am now using birch panels instead of stretched canvas, and enjoying the satiny feel of each stroke, and its ready acceptance of the paint, with no struggle to fill the weave of the canvas. I'm pleased with the likeness of Jake, and everyone at BiotaNB recognized him immediately - quite the accomplishment with a full figure of less than 2 inches high!

"Jake in Palfrey Creek" detail


  1. I am not generally fond of people in paintings of nature but that one really appeals with the energy of the figure fitting with the landscape. :)

  2. just saw a 4 foot water snake near the dock
    guess we haven't extincted his race yet....


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