Dumoine Moose Marsh

"Dumoine Moose Marsh" (6 x 6 inch oil on birch panel)

7 August 2021 finds me carrying my painting supplies along a twisted well-trampled path through a stand of Firs, to a small marshy lake or large pond.

A recently built viewing platform stands back a few feet from the waterline, well shaded by the forest edge. There's plenty of room for three standing easels, but I decide to paint a lower view of the left end of the lake, and sit on the floor to look between the railings with my legs dangling out the front. Catherine Orfald and Ruth Tait are painting with me on this fifth day of the week-long DRAW artists retreat - Dumoine River Artists for Conservation, hosted by CPAWS-OV, the Ottawa Valley chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.

A few Pickerel Weed are blooming here, and one candy-pink spike of Spirea tomentosa (Steeplebush). Small floating Water Lily leaves pattern the surface through an opening in the rushes and bushes, and dapple the open water.

A persistently “chipp”ing Song Sparrow forages among the bases of Scirpus in shallow water, hopping from one clump to another. Occasionally a little brownish Warbler-shaped bird moves quietly about in the Alder bushes. Four Black Ducks swim and dive, close by at first and then along the far shores. All is quiet for a while and then a Loon calls from the sky - and we all stop painting to watch a family of four, flying high above the far shore, with one calling - perhaps a parent cheering the young ones on.

A chilly breeze comes from across the lake and after a while Ruth lends her wool shirt to Catherine - but eventually she too became chilled too and they both pack up and leave. They had painted for three hours and I stayed for six - still not quite finished my 6 x 6 panel. The scene is complicated - or I’m just slow.

Dear patrons and supporters,

This 6x6 inch original oil painting is for sale for $350. If you would like to purchase it, please contact me   


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